

Document Imaging Services | ISDA

Document Imaging ServicesFile Conversion Services

The ISDA has a professional staff that can develop, deploy, and manage document imaging services and solutions that are critical to your long-term success. Our staff has years of experience in programming, document workflow, business process design and management, and systems consulting.

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Document Microfilming Services | ISDA

Document MicrofilmingFile Conversion Services

The ISDA provides a wide range of document microfilming services to help convert your paper documents to this space-saving, highly-reliable medium. All of our microfilm is archival, meets all state, ANSI, and AIIM specifications, and is formatted to allow for efficient scanning. Our considerable expertise in preparing, handling, microfilming, duplicating, and quality control provides us with significant efficiencies that are passed onto our clients in the form of highly competitive rates and unequalled quality control.

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