The ISDA Network provides a wide range of document microfilming services to help convert your paper documents to this space-saving, highly-reliable medium.
All of our microfilm is archival, meets all state, ANSI, and AIIM specifications, and is formatted to allow for efficient scanning. Our considerable expertise in preparing, handling, microfilming, duplicating, and quality control provides us with significant efficiencies that are passed onto our clients in the form of highly competitive rates and unparalleled quality control.
Features and Benefits of Our Document Microfilming Services
- Reduce storage space requirements by 95%
- File storage costs are nearly eliminated
- Reduce labor time to locate records
- Provides ease of access to huge volumes of information
- Provide long-term storage
- Properly microfilmed images will last a minimum of 100 years
- Maintain record confidentialit
- Microfilmed information is much easier to keep confidential than original documents
- Provide file integrity
- An original copy of the microfilm is perpetually maintained as the master record