Thank You, Renee’ Wofford & Lorraine Castorena!

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It is with a happy yet bittersweet heart that ISDA announces the retirement of both Renee’ Wofford, Financial Controller, and Lorraine Castorena, Billing Clerk. Their last official day will be September 30, 2023, although Renee’ will continue to consult with ISDA through the end of the year during the transition.

Now in her thirtieth year with ISDA, we were fortunate to hire Renee’ as she proved to be exactly the right person and the rest is history. We all owe a great deal to her for helping us get where we are today and always doing what was best for ISDA.

We are very excited for both Renee’ and Lorraine to begin their well-deserved retirements but will miss them very much and thank them for their service and dedication to the Association over the years.



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